The creation of Petra Rinck Galerie was a direct outcome of the artist project SITE, which I founded with two fellow students and friends after completing my art studies at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.
My time in the academy shaped my view of art, which is anchored in the immediacy of artistic production; it is only subsequently reconciled with aspects of theory and art history, as well as art market factors.
My decisions are fundamentally shaped by my excitement for art and the conviction that a life without art is not worth living.
The core of the gallery’s work is informed by an ongoing collaboration with a small circle of international artists. Our regular solo exhibitions by gallery artists are accompanied by curated group exhibitions and participation in fairs both at home and abroad.
Since the gallery’s foundation, its spaces have been located in the heart of Düsseldorf-Flingern, at the core of the city’s gallery district.